Sunday, June 28, 2009

What a lady Shyann is becoming! WOW

I am truly amazed at how much my daughter Shy is changing every day! It is like one day she was a little girl and now she is a little lady. I can not begin to tell you how blessed I am to be her Mother. She is such a sweet, caring little lady! It amazes me every day how "grown up" she actually is.........wise beyond her years! I am thinking this year she will be taller than me and soo weird to imagine that...although happy for her! :)

I look forward to see how much more beautiful she becomes and where her dreams lead her. It won't be long and she will be in high school! WOW! That is just crazy! She is soo busy with cheerleading and volleyball but she always makes time for her family. I hope that never changes! She has two brothers that loved her soo much! Shy is the biggest pleaser I have ever met, she would love to make everyone happy!

I hope she always has that innocent, caring, sweet, compassionate nature that she does. She always sees the BEST in EVERYONE! Even on my worst days...............she brightens them! She is a blessing! I love you Shyann more than words could even begin to explain!

I am starting a new blog thing this week...........each night a blog about someone special in my life. I am excited about it! Everyone try it and leave some comments peeps! :)


  1. She is a wonderful kid. The boys are very lucky to have her as a big sis!

  2. Nothing like our girls, is there? Not sure I'm looking forward to the teenage years though . . .

  3. She is a sweet girl!! I love it when she comes over to hang out!! and what a great job she does on the cheer team!

  4. Shyann is the sweetest most sincere child I have ever met. I pray to God that my girls grow up half as good as she is. I am glad she will be a role model in their life. We are so blessed to have her a part of our family, she makes us very proud! Love you Shy!

  5. As one of Shyann's previous teachers, I can attest to what a caring person Shyann is. She was ALWAYS willing to help a struggling student and I was very thankful!! I too look forward to what this beautiful young lady will become! There are so many possibilities with her! Love you Shy!
