Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gone Fish'n

It's been awhile since my last blog but I've been spending alot of time fishing! This is something I have not done in a long....LONG....time! It is bringing back so many memories of my childhood. My dad and I use to go fishing all the time! I really enjoyed it and spending time with him. We use to fish alot at Duck Creek and at Wappapello and even went to Lake Okeechobee in Flordia for 3 straight winters. I was out of school a week at a time for each trip.....very fun times.

Now it seems life is coming full circle as I spend alot of time with Luke, Lawson, and Shyann trying to catch some fish. We have spent the majority of our time out at Otter Slough but here recently Luke and I have joined Todd for some Duck Creek action.

Luke seems to really enjoy it. He does get bored easily so once they stop biting....he wants to "take a break" ;)

Hope to get the rest of the crew out as much as I have gotten Luke out. Shyann went once with me and did pretty well! Stacy hasn't been since the first or second trip. She really enjoys it too but her life way more busy than mine. Hopefully things will slow down a bit and she can join in on some fun. Lawson....wants to go.....but ends up trying to skip some rocks instead of landing the big one.....and that's o.k. too!
Till next time,

1 comment:

  1. So Cory is now posting on your blog site, Stacy? Doesn't he have his own? Ha!

    Anyway, fishing is one of those things my family always did together when I was young and the memories are some of the best! Our boys love fishing and I hope it will be great memories for them later in life!

