Sunday, September 6, 2009

Busy Busy Blockers! :)

It is busy time at the Blocker house! We have really been enjoying the fall weather that we have been having! Today Cory took down our little pool which Lawson was not happy about! I love this time of year! I have lots of things planned which of course includes our annual Halloween party! :)

Shyann is doing too much which includes School cheerleading, Impact cheerleading and DPR volleyball! WOW! She is such a sweet girl! She only sees the good in others and is such a positive influence in my life even at age 12! I hope she knows how proud she makes me every day!

Luke is in 1st grade! He has already educated his class on Micheal Jackson and Farmtown! Oh MY! He is quite the little character! He cracks me up but I am hoping Mrs. Massey still finds him funny at the end of the year! :) Luke is playing soccer this fall which he is really liking so far!

Lawson aka Lawdog turned 3. He had the big birthday blow out last weekend at the Malden Youth Museum. He loved it! He was one blessed little boy! Although after opening his presents he was ready to go home! He is such a sweet little boy! He told me today " I am so glad you are my best friend Momma!" It about makes me want to cry remembering him say that today! He just makes my heart melt!

Cory is already seeing lots of sick kiddos which includes that nasty flu bug! I am thinking he is going to have a very busy winter too! Central Gardens is rocking and rolling as usual! We are gearing up for the big parade this month! I truly love my job! My residents are the bomb! They make it worthwhile every day! I feel like I am right where God wants me to be!

My life has been an emotional roller coaster lately, I am sure every woman has felt that at one time or another! I am truly trying to be the best wife, mother, daughter, friend, aunt, cousin etc as possible! I am truly blessed with some wonderful people in my life and I just hope that they all know how much I do care about them! I think sometimes things are taken too seriously when in 5 years from now they would not matter! I am not sweating the small stuff anymore because really for the most part it is all small stuff. My family and friends are the best ever! :)

Well I hear the boys yelling for me to watch Ghostbusters again with them! Gotta love it! Leave some comments peeps! :) You know I love them!


  1. Love the pics! Shyann is turning into a little lady right in front of our eyes. I can't help but smile every time I see her! I miss her in my class SO much! She helped me to laugh when sometimes I just wanted to yell! I'm also loving the fact that our boys are getting to spend this school year together. I know that we all don't get together enough, but know that if you ever need anything...we are here to help in any way that we can! Please don't ever hesitate to ask! And you are so right...everything is small stuff. Enjoy every moment, you never know when it will be your last! Lots of love!

    Now bring on volleyball!

  2. Your kids are awesome and I love to read your stuff. I know life can get totally overhwhelming at times! I am so so happy to read that you are loving your job and feel like God has you there...I believe it! And also I think that is a rare thing for people.
    Keep rockin momma!
    Love you!
