Sunday, September 27, 2009

Writing a Memorial service

There are many things in this life that we don't ever think we will be called upon to do and tonight I am doing one! Tonight I am finalizing my memorial service for Teresa that I will do tomorrow for staff and residents. On September 18th at 2:20 I received a call from a staff member's husband telling me that she had been killed in a car accident! I don't even know what I said to him, it was like my life went into slow motion. I have worked at Central Gardens for over 11 years and never have lost a staff member.

Teresa Crosby had worked at Central Gardens for 13 years this month. Teresa always had a smile no matter what was going on. She was truly a blessing to me, staff and especially my residents. You see I can never remember Teresa complaining about anything.............EVER! She would just kinda laugh, hug me and say "You will figure it out, you always do!" She went about her work with a smile and a gentle nature. She has worked there for 13 years and called in one time. I do remember she missed one day during the terrible ice storm and she was soo upset about having to do that. She was a very sweet, sincere and gracious person and I was blessed to call her my friend! I hope she does know that I loved her even if I didn't tell her that enough!

Teresa worked night shift and when she would get off work, she headed home to sleep a few hours and then up to take care of her two children at home. I never once heard her complain. She absolutely loved the Cardinals, she would fix popcorn and watch the games with her children and her husband told me act like they were there! :) I have a baby blanket that she bought for Luke that was Cardinals. She was always a giver not a taker! What a blessing she was to her family and friends!

So tonight I am thinking about my own attitude about things.........I am disappointed in myself because I have been letting little things steal my joy! I am going back to the person I am meant to be, not the one trying to make people happy that really don't care about me either way! I have let myself get upset and worry over things that I cannot change all you can do is pray!

Teresa and Aaron have shown me that life can be over in one blink of the eye and you better love your family and friends but above all let them know it! I am going to let the ones I care about know it instead of assuming that they know it! I have found that when I am on my knees to pray, that I pray to be the person he wants me to be! So if you are reading this if you are my family or friend...........I love you even if I don't show it sometimes! Just remember when you say those harsh words there is no taking them back and it could be the last time you talk to them, I know I don't want that to happen with anyone ever!

So tonight I will pray that God will give me the words to comfort her family, friends, and my residents tomorrow during her memorial service. So if you are in Dexter and you see Red balloons in the air tomorrow afternoon think of a 46 year old mother, friend, wife and caregiver that was one SPECIAL lady with a beautiful smile! Teresa I love you andI was very blessed to be your friend! You have taught me to live life not watch it from the sidelines!

Here is a pic of Teresa with her smile of course! :)

1 comment:

  1. Very nice Stacy! I hope that the memorial went well. Your residents and staff members are very lucky to have you around!

    And just so you know...we at the Boles household love every one of you in the Blocker household and are very lucky to call you all friends!!
