Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Missing My Grandma Chism

Dec 9th is always a hard day for me! I rememeber and mourn a lady that meant soo much to me! My Grandma Chism was diagnosised with terminal Cancer on this date 6 years ago. There is not a day that I don't want to tell her something! I miss her soo much! She was my rock! You know you have that one person that no matter how bad things are they make you feel loved and better just by being there, well that was her for me! She lost her battle with cancer a month to the day of being diagnosed so every day was a major change after this date.

My Grandma was widowed in her 50's and ran a farm after my Grandpa died. She was the strongest person that I have ever known. She loved to play cards and has pretty much made every Grandchild cry playing because she wouldn't let you win no matter how little you were..........which might be the reason we are all so competitive. She loved to laugh and I miss that the most, hearing her giggle when she was trying to aggravate someone. My whole family thinks I act like her and I take that as the highest compliment. She was one of a kind and I was so BLESSED to have her in my life. She definitely shaped me into the woman I am today.

I would love for her to see Shyann play ball, hear Luke's dry wit, and see Lawson's charm! She would really get a kick out of them! I know she sees them but I would love to see the look on her face or hear what she thinks about them! She was my biggest fan and she would have been for them too! I am thankful that she did not suffer and there are things worse than death but I would love to have just one more day! I had a great month and got to say things that alot of people put off saying to someone they love. She told me "I always knew you loved me and you were so special Stacy always remember that!" I made her a scrapbook of her whole life before she died and she told me it was the most special gift she had ever gotten! I hope and pray that I am the woman she wanted me to be, although I do think she would line me out about certain things in my life. She was never one to mince words much and I wish I would have gotten more of that but maybe in time I will have, haha watch out! :)

I love you and miss you more every day Grandma~! My suggestion to everyone is to tell the ones you love that you love them don't wait, live life to the fullest, and pray every day! If you have someone that is special to you let them know it don't ever assume that they know it!
Thanks for letting me get it all out! Leave some comments! Love ya!

1 comment:

  1. Stace-you were on my mind all day yesterday. Hang in there as you go through this month of remembering and mourning . . . you know I'm here anytime you need to vent, cry, share, remember, or just be with someone who understands.

    Love you!
