Thursday, January 21, 2010

I've come to realize............

I've come to realize............
  1. I've come to realize......I am truly married to my bestfriend!
  2. I've come to realize that.......... I love my job even with the stress it brings!
  3. I've come to realize that .........I am a blessed woman to be the mother of 3 healthy, happy kids
  4. I've come to realize that prayer instead of worry is the way to go for me
  5. I 've come to realize that friends................are great but you only have a few TRUE friends!
  6. I've come to realize that no matter how much you love some people.........they do not love you the same!
  7. I've come to realize that ...... I will always miss my Grandma and she helped make me the woman I am today!!!!
  8. I've come to realize that that I hate.............when I let myself get upset over things/people I cannot change.
  9. I've come to realize that I love.............being at home on a Sunday afternoon with my family.
  10. I've come to realize that a gift from God! Live life to the fullest because you never know when it will all change.
  11. I've come to realize that maybe I should..........let some people go because they always seem to hurt me.
  12. I've come to realize thatI will always............enjoy playing volleyball with some of my closest friends no matter if we win or lose.
  13. I 've come to realize that ALWAYS there! Prayer is soo essential in my daily life.
  14. I 've come to realize that some matter what you do will never be happy because they aren't happy with theirself!
  15. I've come to realize that my a wonderful, funny and AWESOME Nana to my kids.
  16. I've come to realize that what I was meant to do in life. I love taking care of the elderly.
  17. I've come to realize if you change make others happy you make yourself miserable.
  18. I've come to realize that my truly a blessing!
  19. I've come to realize that words..............can hurt alot more than physical pain. Once you say it you can't take it back!
  20. I've come to realize that the beach............makes me truly happy every summer.
  21. I've come to realize that my phone and facebook...............are my addiction! :)
  22. I've come to realize that my biggest pet to be lied to over something that doesn't matter.
  23. I've come to realize that if you are my are my friend forever and I hold those relationships in my heart!
  24. I've come to realize that my family...........truly loves me even on my worst days!
  25. I've come to realize that such a waste of time just pray!
  26. I've come to realize that my eased with a massage or good conversation!
  27. I've come to realize that my church...........has been a total blessing my life!
  28. I've come to realize that something my body needs daily.
  29. I've come to realize that a good book...........can take away stress and make me soo happy!
  30. I've come to realize that in life...............I want to make a difference rather it be big or small in someone's life EVERYday! ;)

I've come to realize

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog! And I enjoy playing volleyball with you too and it's probably a good thing we don't lose too often. :) Love ya girl!

